
The objective of eurom is to represent the joint interests of the European high-tech industries towards the EU and to promote cooperation amongst its members. eurom aims to highlight the importance of the high-tech sectors for the European economy and strives to strengthen the voice of SMEs in Europe by:

  • providing information on and support to members in regards to key European legislation and market data relevant for the industry sectors
  • representing our members in EU policy-making processes;
  • advancing and promoting innovation for and throughout Europe;
  • facilitating cooperation and establishing trust between key stakeholders;
  • providing expertise to European decision-makers, regulatory bodies and standardization organizations
  • encouraging worldwide trade through harmonisation of legislation, standardisation, mutual recognition and certification procedures.

eurom has established itself as an important player in Europe‘s political landscape and actively contributes to EU policy-making with position papers, contributions to consultations, nominations to expert groups as well as collaboration with other industry associations.

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